Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My "skeleton in the closet"

Storage Rooms- We all have them- but mine was a little out of control... ok A LOT out of control. It is this big closet basically and it had become so easy to put things in there and just shut the door.  But it was really becoming stressful for me to even think about. Even though no one saw it who came to our house, I knew it was there... it was my "skeleton in the closet"...



This storage closet is part of my basement workspace area. This is another reason why this project has been going on so long. There are so many parts and things to do in it. I realize this will never be a beautiful room. I am not going to paint in there, change the floor or do any "decorating". It is a functional area, that is necessary to store out of season items and keep long term storage things. So I basically took everything out- what a mess. I was a little panicky that it would never all go back in!!

But it did!  I just sorted everything, piled like items together and found containers for them. 
Then I labeled them using Post-It Super Sticky Labels 

 On this side,  I stacked the 2 shelves I had in there on top of one another. That way 
I am maximizing the vertical space in there. 

This side I am sure you couldn't see in the before picture is dedicated to Christmas items. I love decorating for Christmas. I labeled every tote with what was in it. So hopefully next year decorating for Christmas goes super smooth!! No more opening and digging through to see which area it goes to. 

Awww- sooo much better. And the best part is that it works so much better. If the door to this storage closet gets left open I wont even be embarrassed  :)

Thanks for stopping by!  What projects are going on in your house. Any great tricks or tips for organizing your storage areas??  (and did they ever look as bad as my before picture... probably not :)


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