Monday, April 16, 2012

Severe weather prepared- It's that time of year!

In our neck of the woods we have been having a weekend full of severe weather! I decided to finally put a severe weather/disaster kit together so we are prepared for "taking cover".

Here are the finished products- keep reading for all the details...

I already had these totes, they were being used in my pantry, but I have been in the process of redoing it so they were empty and thought they would work well for my kit!

I made tags for each tote here. I used the template for basket labels. I printed them of on card stock,
cut them out and laminated them

On the back of the Supplies tag I put a list of what was in that tote

Here is the inside of my food tote, I got things that would be easy
to open & eat and that would provide some nutrition- just in case!

Part of my Supplies tote includes a first aid kit. Here is everything I included in mine. 
Of course you would want to personalize for any specific needs (asthma, severe allergies, etc)

Here is what I included in my Supplies tote...

Here are what my totes look like all finished. They are being stored  
in the bottom of our linen closet-this is right next to the bathroom that we go in 
to "take cover".  Next to it I have a radio that has batteries in it
 (I also have replacement batteries for that radio 
in the supply kit) and there are lots of extra blankets and pillows 
that are in the shelves above it that we can quickly grab.    

I used this website for my list. There are some thing that are on the FEMA site that I have not added to my kit, make sure you add what you feel is sufficient for your own kit!! Hopefully this isn't something that we have to use, but I feel a little more secure knowing it is there and ready in case we do!! Hope everyone had a safe weekend!  Does anyone else have a kit like this? What do you keep in yours?


  1. I just had to tell you that I just stumbled over your blog, and I wish everyone was as foresight as you! I work in Emergency Management, and we ask everyone to, at the very least, have a plan, but only in our wildest dreams does someone actually put together a kit! Thank you so much, for promoting this truely lifesaving kit!

  2. Thank you so much! The day that I made it we had severe weather later in the night, the tornado sirens went off and we were actually able to "try out" our plan. Luckily we didn't have to use anything- except the radio. But it was really nice to be able to just grab it and be ready!!
