Friday, May 11, 2012

Fast Project Friday!

What is better than starting a project? Finishing one!!  So I introduce to you Fast Project Friday!!  This is the time to tackle a project that you can finish quickly- like in 15-20 minutes. So my project today is this drawer that I keep receipts in. I probably keep way more than I need to, but I like having them incase of needing to do a return or exchange. I also like to keep my grocery receipts for the week- so I can refer back to them if needed. 

So here is my drawer... pretty embarrassing- right? Its amazing how once you start shoving things into a drawer, it just gets out of hand!!  So first I took everything out of the drawer, threw away old receipts and ones that I did not need anymore. Anything that wasn't a receipt, I put where it goes. 

Next I decided to make 2 envelopes for my receipts. Here is the first one...

Here is how I made them- I just used a 12x12 piece of scrapbook paper

Flipped it over

Folded the edges in

Folded the bottom up a little more than half way

I glued the middle edges- you can see where I put the glue because it's purple!

Then I folded it back and pressed it down, put some clothes pins on for just a bit to dry

Then I cut off the side flaps on the top

Then I put my receipts in and labeled them with some scrapbook stickers

 And here are is the drawer after!!  What a difference!! Now I have a place to simply place my receipts in. One for grocery receipts and one for everything else!  I think I like Fast Project Friday!!

So what are you working on this weekend? Any quick projects that you'll be doing? And does anyone else like to keep their receipts - or is it really just me- like my husband thinks?

Have a super awesome weekend!!! Thanks for stopping by :)

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