Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Homemade Protein Bars

Hello! Hope you are all having a great week!!  There are so many projects that I have going on right now!   I can't wait to share them all with you- some painting projects, organizing kids school work, the kitchen pantry, our garage... But wanted to share a quick recipe that we use all the time- it has become a staple in our home. It is homemade protein bars-   

Here are the ingredients 
2 cups quick oats
1 cup Flax seed- milled
1 cup protein powder- Max Muscle Max Pro
1 cup Craisins
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup honey  

Mix them all together in a bowl and then spread into a 13x9 pan

Then I refrigerate them for a few hours and then cut them into bars & saran wrap them 

Then they go in the refrigerator in this container!  Easy to grab & go!
They don't have to be refrigerated but if they get too warm they will melt a little.  

They are pretty delicious and taste like cookie dough!  You can mix it up if you want as well- we have chopped almonds and added them, chocolate chips, you can just add whatever you & your family likes! Are there any snacks that are a must in your household? I would love to hear about it!! Thanks for stopping by!!

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