Friday, March 30, 2012

Finished Desk!!!

My desk is finally complete- and I use the word complete loosely because by the end of the summer all of our cabinets, including my desk will be white and we will have new drawer pulls. So then it will be actually complete :)

I think most things continue to be "works in progress" because as we use things we find better ways they can look or work!

Here is the before picture- remember?

And here is the after...
Once I got all the paper organized in binders or the to do files it uncluttered the space. I also now know where all the pieces of paper are- they have a home!!! Don't forget all the papers that are now in my lovely binders were stuck in files with no system that helped me track things. Now I just flip to a tab or use my to do files- EASY :)

Here is a different view

from this view you can really see the top of the desk. I found some material that I liked at Joann's fabric, plus I had a 40% off coupon. When we moved here the desk already had a glass piece that covered the top of the desk, so I just placed the glass back over it.

So what do you think? I am pretty happy at how it has turned out! Don't forget I still have the bottom 2 drawers to show you, but that will have to wait till next week :) Everyone have a great weekend!!!


  1. It looks great! I am motivated to use some of your ideas in my own office :-) LOVE YOUR BLOG
