Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Girl and Her Hot Glue Gun..

Pinterst is such an exciting place- with all the ideas for decorating, cooking, fashion, designing, etc, it is hard not to feel inspired!  There were a couple of pins that I saw that referenced using shoe box lids covered in fabric for art. I was skeptical- could it really be that easy & inexpensive? So I tried it out...

There is a spot above the doorway going into my kitchen that needed a pop of color and my daughter recently had to get new shoes because her feet went up 1 1/2 sizes in just a few months!!!  

Here are the shoe box lids-...

I also had a larger lid to a box that I wanted to try out as well.
For each of the lids, I roughly measured the fabric around so that I would have enough to pull it tightly to the back.

My hot glue gun worked really well for this project. I would just put a little glue and then press my fabric down. Once I got to the opposite side I just pulled tightly so that there was no loose or saggy fabric on the front.
They fit nicely on the ledge above the doorway!

It gave it just the pop of color it needed!!

I was so excited that it really worked!  These could easily be hung on the wall as well! Art can make such a difference in a room, but it can be pretty expensive. So I am always happy to find an alternative that looks great, but costs lots less!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Hope you stop back by soon :)
Thank you,