Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fast Project Friday

So I didn't get this posted exactly on Friday... but nonetheless here it is :) My kids have their daily assigned chores, but things like sweeping, mopping and vacuuming aren't included in their daily list. So instead of "assigning" them these chores around the house I came up with a system that gives them both some variety and is also fun (they may not describe it that way- but I do!!).

For this project I spent $0. I used a few supplies that I found around the house.  I just cut strips of paper from a scratch pad of paper that I had. The number of strips of paper is equal to the number of chores you have.

On each strip of paper, I wrote a chore-

Then I folded all the pieces of paper and put them in a small bowl.

With one of my red clothes pins from my menu board project, I attached a label that just says- chores. Then, when it's time for chores, they just randomly draw one out and get to work!  We tried it out for the first time this morning and the kids seemed to enjoy it. No complaints and we quickly got through everything in the bowl!

Do you have a fun way to pick or assign chores? What kind of system do you use to get your kids motivated?

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!  Hope you stop back again soon!!

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